Harmony International Music Academy, has as its fundamental reference the Italian Constitution, the current legislation and the Articles of Association under the legal aspect.

The Association is a Volunteer Organization whose spirit and practice conform to full respect for the human, spiritual and cultural dimension of the person. The Association is also non-partisan, democratic and non-profit: the members offer their services free of charge.



Harmony International Music Academy O.D.V. (Volunteer Organization) è l'approdo nel complesso mondo del terzo settore dopo circa 30 anni di attività concertistica, gestione - presidenza e direzione artistica di:

presidency and artistic direction about: musical associations, concert seasons, international selections and auditions for concerts, acting and music concerts, collaborations with related patronage and sponsorships with public and private bodies, military clubs, national museums, theaters - foundations and Roman basilicas.

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- Dissemination of musical culture in the world in order to facilitate its approach, in particular to young talents;

- The expansion of knowledge of musical, literary and artistic culture, through contacts, with people, organizations, associations and public and private organizations;

- Development of the educational horizons of educators , teachers and operators in the sector so that they know how to transmit the love for musical culture as a social value;

- Offer prospects for professional placement, at a time when, in our country, operators in the sector find it increasingly difficult to achieve and / or career opportunities.


Music, in particular classical music, is a form of art that has various educational and therapeutic potentials and represents a tool that improves relations between peoples. The communication that facilitates an improvement within the ego states on a psychological, emotional and cognitive level as well as on a physical level is also relevant.

Prof Daniel J Levitin has shown that listening to classical music generates the following advantages while he examined over 400 studies focused on research in "neurochemistry":

- Clear and significant benefits for mental and physical health;

- Boosts the functions of the immune system with an increase in both immunoglobin A and cells (natural Killer-lymphocytes);

- Reduces stress levels and levels of Cortisol, the stress hormone;

- Reduces stress levels, compared to anxiolytic drugs, by promoting the production of Oxytocin defined as the love hormone.


Cinzia Colabucci

Cinzia Colabucci is the President of Harmony International Music Academy, a position she has held since October 2014.
Born in Rome, she completed her musical studies at the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome, under the guidance of Maestro Pieralberto Biondi and later, she perfected at the Arts Academy with Maestro Fausto Di Cesare ...

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Paolo Tramontano

Paolo Tramontano is the Founder and the President of Harmony Group.
Economist and Lecturer, he is a famous entrepreneur in the cosmetic and medical devices sector, as well as a consultant for numerous companies always in the cosmetic and aesthetic field...

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Maurizio D'Ovidio

Maurizio D'Ovidio is the Artistic Director of the Harmony International Music Academy Association.
Graduated from the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia in Rome. He studied with the Masters Edoardo Aguero Zapata and Rodolfo Caporali. Very young he received the diploma of artistic merit at the "Zacharias da Brindisi" piano competition for the best performance of pieces by F. Chopin and the bronze medal at the "Coppa Pianisti d'Italia" in Osimo...

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